A Letter to You from When We First Met













Dear Ronan,

Well, I didn’t get a chance to write this to you before we met you because you came early. Two months early! You must be impatient like mama. I am sitting in a rocking chair in the NICU and you are in the isolette next to me. It was such a journey to get here, and to get you here, too! You were born right in the middle of the Superbowl. You must have wanted to catch the last part of the game (the Carolina Panthers lost, sorry baby boy). We immediately started getting ready to go and I know Heavenly Father was helping us. I felt like I needed to get ready early on so I was all prepared. Daddy was so excited to come meet you that he smacked head-first into a beam on our way out the door! Seeing him hold you in his arms is the most precious moment I want to remember forever. When Daddy and I finally got to the hospital in North Carolina we hadn’t slept in almost 40 hours. But nothing could stop us from seeing our little boy. I cried when I first got to hold you in my arms–I just couldn’t believe you were finally here! I wanted you for so long and our journey was not what I expected when I dreamed of finding you, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I wouldn’t trade YOU for the world. I love you, Tiny. You are a dream come true.

Love always,


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